Home Apparel Apparel makers want extra prices for clothing manufactured in green factories

Apparel makers want extra prices for clothing manufactured in green factories

They also urged the buyers to consider the sustainable manufacturing units, which are complaints and green, as commercial investment to ensure their continued sustainability

The country’s apparel makers on Tuesday called upon global brands to offer better prices for clothing items produced in the environment-friendly green factories.They also urged the buyers to consider the sustainable manufacturing units, which are complaints and green, as commercial investment to ensure their continued sustainability. RMG makers made the call at the Partnership for Cleaner Textile (PaCT ) 2020 annual meet held at a local hotel in the capital.International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, organized the event. IFC played a major role in the formation of PaCT that consists of local apparel makers, buyers and other stakeholders.“The global apparel buyers do not even pay an extra cent for sourcing products from green garment factories”, said KM Rezaul Hasanat, chairman of Viyellatex Group.Viyellatex Group is the first recipient of green garment factory certificate in the country.“I now regret making my factories green,” he lamented.MA Jabbar, managing director of DBL Group, said if all initiatives for remodeling factories into green ones were considered commercial, than the move would be sustainable. Bangladesh’s RMG sector, a $34 billion industry, has taken the lead in green manufacturing as it has established 108 eco-friendly green buildings, the highest in the world, which approved by the US Green Building Council (USGBC).The panel discussions focused on issues such as low-carbon opportunities in the textile industry. Panelists also highlighted how emerging consumer behavior and choice are now shaping the global apparel market.


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