Home RMG News Children’s Place to give $2m to Rana Plaza Donors Trust Fund

Children’s Place to give $2m to Rana Plaza Donors Trust Fund

The Children’s Place has pledged to contribute $2 million to the Rana Plaza Donors Trust Fund to compensate the victims of the factory disaster that killed over 1,135 people. The Children’s Place, in a statement on Monday, said it would make a $2-million contribution to help the trust fund meet its goal of raising $30 million for the injured and victims’ families. Rana Plaza Donors Trust Fund is very close to reach its much-needed $30 million, which would be $29.5m after realisation of the Children’s Place fund. According to the coordination committee, the fund already received $27.5m as of April 24. On April 23, Children’s Place – working with International Labour Organisation (ILO) – convened a conference call of major brands and retailers in an attempt to fill the funding gap by the second anniversary of the Rana Plaza disaster, said Clean Clothes Campaign. This call raised over $1 million in donations to the fund and in addition to the donations, Children’s Place contributed another $2 million to the fund, said the Campaign. The Children’s Place is an American specialty retailer of children’s apparel and accessories. “We have been calling on brands to work together to collectively resolve the funding crisis for months, and we welcome the initiative of The Children’s Place in doing so now,” said Sam Maher of the Clean Clothes Campaign. There remains hope that brands and retailers will continue to step up and make additional contributions in order for entirely making up the fund of $30 million, the amount required to provide the survivors and victims’ families as compensation, said Maher. Walmart has for months been delaying any further donation, claiming that the Alliance would instead be making a significant payment, Maher said, adding that with only $2.7 million left, the Alliance is presented with a unique opportunity to finally close the gap by making good on its promise by May Day and there is no excuse for any further delay.” “We have received $27.5 million from donors and need another $2.5m to complete the compensation, Ramesh Chandra Roy, secretary general of IndustriAll Bangladesh Council, and member of the coordination committee, told the Dhaka Tribune. “We are negotiating with Mango, a retailer, for $2m to make full-fledged compensation.” Prime Minister Skeikh Hasina has so far distributed over Tk15.38 crore as compensation to 976 deceased victims’ family while Tk4.10 crore to 38 severely injured victims. The Rana Plaza Coordination Committee also paid Tk76 crore, which is 70% of the compensation to the injured and the family members of deceased and missing workers. On April 24 in 2013, Rana Plaza, which housed five garment factories, a shopping complex at Savar, collapsed, killing 1,135 workers and injuring over 2,500 workers.

Source: https://www.dhakatribune.com/business/2015/apr/30/childrens-place-give-2m-rana-plaza-donors-trust-fund#sthash.ZRcT0nDf.dpuf