Home ARTICLES Tensions between garment workers and the owners

Tensions between garment workers and the owners

The readymade garment (RMG) industry, which is considered to be the financial barometer of the country, has been the scene of a number of violent upheavals at regular intervals over the past couple of years. This has, quite reasonably, caused alarm among western buyers, and we were able to see a reflection of this fear in a letter that was just written to the Prime Minister. The communication, which we agree with, correctly identifies the fundamental factors that foment violence in the factories and provides a variety of long-term solutions. We also agree with these ideas. 

Is it not preferable, before the situation reaches a tipping point, to address the genuine requests and complaints of the RMG workers and try to find a solution through negotiations? Labor turmoil benefits no-one. It impedes growth in what happens to be the industry that brings in the most foreign currency for the country, to say nothing of the fact that the industry is the single largest of its kind and directly employs 4 million people. In this light, we strongly encourage all parties involved to work out their disagreements in a manner that is friendly in order to prevent more disturbances in the future. It is imperative for the owners to come to the realization that it is impossible for them to continue to ignore the legitimate complaints of the workers. Workers, on the other hand, have an obligation to explore any and all potential routes leading to a resolution before resorting to hasty action.

We are of the opinion that discussion can be used to address the issues that are at the root of the turmoil. Additionally, a process for conducting periodic reviews of wages ought to be established. It is necessary to conduct an analysis of the minimum wage by taking into account inflation as well as other economic indicators. Additionally, we demand of the buyers that they pay a fair price for the items that they purchase.


“Retailers’ Worry over RMG Unrest.” The Daily Star, 18 Jan. 2017, https://www.thedailystar.net/editorial/retailers-worry-over-rmg-unrest-1346689.

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