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Why Bangladesh’s RMG turns to imported yarn, fabrics despite local supply

Bangladesh’s textile industry, a cornerstone of its economy, is facing mounting challenges as garment makers, particularly knitwear manufacturers, increasingly turn to imported yarn and fabrics despite significant domestic investments.

Industry insiders warn the growing reliance on imports could place local spinners at considerable risk.

Recent data from the National Board of Revenue shows the scale of the issue. In 2024, Bangladesh’s cotton yarn imports surged by 39%, reaching a record expenditure of $2.28 billion. Besides, fabric imports by knitwear factories rose by 38%, costing the country another $2.59 billion.

A significant portion of these imports came from India, heightening competition for domestic suppliers.

This trend is perplexing given the sector’s substantial expansion in recent years.

Following the Covid-19 pandemic, local textile millers invested approximately $2 billion to enhance their capacity and meet growing demand. However, these investments now appear to be under strain as the industry grapples with shifting dynamics.

Garment makers point to factors such as price competitiveness as the reason for preference for imports.

Textile mill owners have raised concerns about the illegal import of yarn through smuggling and the misuse of bonded warehouse privileges, which flood the market with imported yarn

For instance, MB Knit Fashions, located in Narayanganj, has recently secured a purchase order worth $48 million. To meet production requirements, the company has decided to import recycled polyester cotton from India, a fabric made from recycled cotton and polyester fibres.

The imported fabric will cost the company $2.19 per kilogram, delivered to the Chattogram port. In comparison, sourcing the same yarn from local spinning mills would cost $2.45.

Mohammad Hatem, managing director of MB Knit Fashions, told The Business Standard that they have calculated that by importing 800 tonnes of yarn, they would save $208,000.

“If we bought yarn locally, the tax incentives would only result in a post-tax saving of $56,000, leaving us with a net savings of $148,000,” he explained. “So, why would I choose to purchase yarn from local mills under these conditions?”

MB Knit once imported 20% of their yarn, now nearly 90% is imported, said Hatem, who is also the president of Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA).

He mentioned that over 80% of last year’s yarn imports came from India.

Fakir Kamruzzaman Nahid, managing director of Fakir Fashions, shared similar views, saying, “We save about $0.20 per kilogram by importing yarn. Sourcing from India has become more viable, with local sourcing now down to 30%, compared to 50% a year ago.”

Despite the increase in imports, the Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA) does not have data on how much local mills’ sales have decreased or whether they have declined at all.

However, BTMA data shows that two years ago, local mills supplied around 85% of the yarn for knitwear exports.

Why local mills struggling

Textile mill owners said production costs have increased by 30% over the last two years due to higher gas prices, rising wages, and less gas supply. Despite expanding their capabilities, mills are finding it hard to reduce costs.

Moreover, government incentives for using local yarn have been significantly reduced, they said. Cash incentives have dropped from 4% to 1%, while special incentives have fallen from 1% to 0.3%.

These incentives take up to a year to be processed, and after a 10% tax deduction, additional costs are incurred. As a result, garment exporters are less inclined to use local yarn, according to millers.

Local spinning mills are also unable to lower prices due to a sharp 179% rise in gas prices, the implementation of new wage structures, and increased bank loan costs and stringent conditions.

Additionally, textile mill owners have raised concerns about the illegal import of yarn through smuggling and the misuse of bonded warehouse privileges, which flood the market with imported yarn.

Md Khorshed Alam, chairman of Little Star Spinning Mills, told TBS that the production cost of each kilogramme of 30 count yarn, widely used in Bangladesh’s garment industry, now exceeds $3.

“We sell it at prices ranging from $3.10 to $3.50, but due to declining demand, some mills are forced to sell at even lower prices to avoid losses,” said Alam.

Importers said the same yarn from India is available for $2.90, making them less inclined to purchase from local mills.

Alam, also a director of BTMA, said more than 30 textile mills have shut down in the past year.

This number is expected to increase significantly in the coming year, he said, adding that his own factory is operating at just 40% capacity, and currently, half of the country’s spinning mills are underutilised.

MB Knit’s Mohammad Hatem said due to the government’s flawed policies, Bangladesh’s backward linkage industry will not survive and will become increasingly import-dependent.

“Previous government actions were aimed at strategically handing over the country’s textile industry to foreign entities,” added Hatem.

According to the Association, Bangladesh has around 1,900 textile mills, including spinning, fabric, dyeing, printing, and finishing mills, with a total investment of $22 billion.

Meanwhile, according to the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), Bangladesh’s garment exports increased by over 7% in 2024, with knitwear exports reaching nearly $20 billion.

Is India exporting in dumping price

India has an advantage over Bangladesh as it has its own cotton supply. However, despite this, the production costs in both countries are comparable, at around $3 per kilogramme.

This raises the question: how can Indian yarn exporters sell their products at prices lower than this?

Saleudh Zaman Khan, vice president of BTMA, said the Indian government provides additional financial and policy benefits to the country’s textile exporters, both centrally and at the state level, giving them a competitive edge.

Explaining further, he said, “Textile exporters in India benefit from a negotiable instrument offering 3.88% of the export value or ₹11 per kilogramme, whichever is lower. This scheme is known as the Remission of Duties or Taxes on Exported Products (RoDTEP).”

In addition to this, exporters receive a 2% duty drawback on textile product exports. Combined, these incentives amount to about 6% of their total export value.

According to the Indian Trade Portal, the RoDTEP scheme is designed to help exporters recover the taxes and duties paid on exported goods. It has been in effect since January 2021. Furthermore, various states in India offer additional benefits to their textile entrepreneurs.

Saleudh, also the managing director of NZ textile alleged, “Taking advantage of these incentives, Indian exporters are selling to Bangladesh at dumping prices.”

He called for the imposition of anti-dumping duties on yarn imports from India. However, he could not provide any evidence to support this claim.

Dumping occurs when a country or company exports a product to a foreign market at a price lower than its domestic market value.

‘Focus on reducing business costs’

Zahid Hussain, former lead economist at the World Bank’s Dhaka office, said garment exporters pay only 12% tax, compared to the standard corporate tax rate of 27.5%.

He believes that long-term support for textile or garment entrepreneurs using taxpayer money is unsustainable as Bangladesh is set to graduate from LDC status.

He suggested that instead of direct financial aid, efforts should focus on reducing business costs.

“Support should aim at lowering logistics, port, banking, customs, and other public service costs to enhance competitiveness,” he added.

বাংলাদেশের পোশাক শিল্পে ভারতের আক্রমণ: বড় বিপদের শঙ্কা

ভারত বাংলাদেশের পোশাক বাজার দখলের প্রস্তুতি নিচ্ছে, এমন খবরের বিস্তারিত তথ্য তুলে ধরেছে সম্প্রতি প্রকাশিত একটি প্রতিবেদনে। বাংলাদেশের রাজনৈতিক অস্থিতিশীলতার কারণে পোশাক আমদানিকারকরা বিকল্প রপ্তানিকারক খুঁজছে এবং ভারত এই সুযোগটি কাজে লাগানোর পরিকল্পনা করছে।

ভারতীয় সরকার টেক্সটাইল ও গার্মেন্টস খাতে বিশেষভাবে আর্থিক সহায়তা, শুল্ক ছাড়, এবং স্থানীয় উৎপাদনকে উৎসাহিত করার পরিকল্পনা করছে। মিথিলেশ্বর ঠাকুর, ভারতের পোশাক রপ্তানি প্রচার কাউন্সিলের সেক্রেটারি জেনারেল, রয়টার্সকে জানান যে, যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের অনেক কোম্পানি বিকল্প রপ্তানিকারক খুঁজছে, তবে ভারত এখনো তাদের চাহিদা পূরণের জন্য যথেষ্ট প্রস্তুত নয়।

ভারতের পোশাক শিল্পে প্রায় ৪ কোটি ৫০ লাখ মানুষ কাজ করছে এবং সরকার ২০২৫-২৬ অর্থবছরের বাজেটে টেক্সটাইল মন্ত্রণালয়ের বাজেট ১০-১৫ শতাংশ বাড়ানোর চিন্তা করছে। আরও বলা হয়েছে, কিছু সরকারী পদক্ষেপের মাধ্যমে পোশাক উৎপাদনে শুল্ক প্রত্যাহার এবং কর প্রণোদনার বিষয়ে আলোচনা চলছে।

বাংলাদেশের পোশাক শিল্প বর্তমানে রাজনৈতিক অস্থিরতার কারণে আন্তর্জাতিক বাজারে কিছুটা ক্ষতিগ্রস্ত হয়েছে। গত বছরের জানুয়ারি থেকে নভেম্বর পর্যন্ত, যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে বাংলাদেশের পোশাক রপ্তানি ০.৪ শতাংশ কমেছে, তবে ভারতীয় রপ্তানি ৪.২৫ শতাংশ বেড়েছে। বিশেষ করে, কিছু আমেরিকান ক্রেতা বর্তমানে ভারত এবং ভিয়েতনামের দিকে ঝুঁকছেন।

এই পরিস্থিতিতে, ভারতের পোশাক শিল্পের জন্য নতুন সুযোগ তৈরি হতে পারে, যা বাংলাদেশের বাজারে প্রতিযোগিতা আরও বাড়িয়ে দিতে পারে।

নতুন বাজারে ৬৩৩ কোটি ডলারের তৈরি পোশাক রপ্তানি

নতুন বা অপ্রচলিত বাজারে ২০২৪ সালে বাংলাদেশের তৈরি পোশাকের রপ্তানি করেছে ৬৩৩ কোটি ৩৪ লাখ মার্কিন ডলার। নতুন বাজারে ওভেনের চেয়ে নিট বেশি রপ্তানি হয়েছে। আলোচ্য সময়ে ওভেন রপ্তানি হয়েছে ৩১০ কোটি ৮০ লাখ ডলারের এবং নিট রপ্তানি হয়েছে ৩২২ কোটি ৫৩ লাখ ডলার।

রপ্তানি উন্নয়ন ব্যুরো (ইপিবি) সূত্রে এ তথ্য জানা গেছে।

তথ্যমতে, নতুন বাজারগুলোর মধ্যে জাপান পোশাক রপ্তানিতে শীর্ষ স্থানে রয়েছে। ২০২৪ সালের জানুয়ারি থেকে ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত জাপানে রপ্তানি হয়েছে ১১১ কোটি ৮৭ লাখ মার্কিন ডলার। এরমধ্যে ওভেন রপ্তানি হয়েছে ৫৪ কোটি ৩০ লাখ মার্কিন ডলারের এবং নিট রপ্তানি হয়েছে ৫৭ কোটি ৫৭ লাখ মার্কিন ডলারের। নতুন বাজারের মধ্যে রপ্তানিতে দ্বিতীয় অবস্থানে রয়েছে অস্ট্রেলিয়া। আলোচ্য সময়ে অস্ট্রেলিয়ার বাজারে পোশাক রপ্তানি হয়েছে ৮৩ কোটি ৯ লাখ মার্কিন ডলার। এর মধ্যে ওভেন ৩৩ কোটি ৬৭ লাখ ডলার এবং নিটওয়্যার ৫৭ কোটি ৫৭ লাখ মার্কিন ডলার।
তৈরি পোশাক রপ্তানিতে তৃতীয় অবস্থানে রয়েছে ভারত। আলোচ্য সময়ে ভারতে তৈরি পোশাক রপ্তানি হয়েছে ৬০ কোটি ৬৫ লাখ মার্কিন ডলার। ভারতে ওভেন রপ্তানি হয়েছে ৪০ কোটি ৩৪ লাখ ডলারের এবং নিট রপ্তানি হয়েছে ২০ কোটি ৩০ লাখ ডলারের। এছাড়া দক্ষিণ কোরিয়ায় পোশাক রপ্তানি হয়েছে ৪৪ কোটি ৫৭ লাখ মার্কিন ডলার। এর মধ্যে ২১ কোটি ৮৮ লাখ ডলারের ওভেন এবং ২২ কোটি ৬৯ লাখ মার্কিন ডলারের তৈরি পোশাক রপ্তানি হয়েছে।

পোশাক খাতের ব্যবসায়ীরা জানান, তৈরি পোশাক রপ্তানির অর্ধেকের বেশি হয় ইউরোপীয় ইউনিয়নে। ব্যবসায়ীরা পণ্যের বৈচিত্র্যের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে নতুন বাজার খুঁজছে। নানা চ্যালেঞ্জ মোকাবিলা করে অন্যান্য প্রতিযোগী দেশের সঙ্গে পাল্লা দিয়ে দিন দিন নতুন বাজারে রপ্তানিও বাড়ানোর চেষ্টা করছে দেশের ব্যবসায়ীরা। এ ধারা অব্যাহত থাকলে আগামী দিনে নতুন বাজারে তৈরি পোশাক রপ্তানির প্রবৃদ্ধি আরো বাড়বে।

নতুন বাজারের মধ্যে তুর্কিতে ২০২৪ সালের জানুয়ারি থেকে ডিসেম্বর পর্যন্ত সময়ে রপ্তানি হয়েছে ৪২ কোটি ৫৯ লাখ ডলার, রাশিয়ায় ৩৪ কোটি ৩১ লাখ ডলার, চায়নায় ২১ কোটি ৬৬ লাখ, ইউনাইটেড আরব আমিরাত ২৪ কোটি ৪৪ লাখ ডলার, মেক্সিকো ৩২ কোটি ৫৪ লাখ ডলার, মালয়েশিয়া ১৯ কোটি ৩২ লাখ ডলার, সৌদি আরব ১৫ কোটি ৪৪ লাখ ডলার, সাউথ আফ্রিকা ১১ কোটি ১৩ লাখ ডলার, নিউজিল্যাল্ড৯ কোটি ৬১ লাখ ডলার, চিলি ১৪ কোটি ৬৬ লাখ ডলার, ব্রাজিল ১৫ কোটি ৮২ লাখ ডলার এবং অন্যান্য দেশে ৯১ কোটি ৫৭ লাখ মার্কিন ডলার রপ্তানি হয়েছে।

1,150 non-bonded RMGs fear closure as LC, raw material access shrinks

Small garment factories with limited capital, unable to afford a bonded warehouse licence, are struggling to sustain their businesses due to difficulties in securing back-to-back letters of credit (LCs) and procuring raw materials and accessories.

Sector insiders say due to the lack of a bonded warehouse licence, some banks are not opening back-to-back LCs against master LCs under the government’s existing regulations.

Additionally, customs policies prevent the purchase of yarn, fabric, or accessories on credit under back-to-back LCs from local bonded licence holders. Even when buying these items in cash, businesses face higher costs, increasing pressure on working capital and reducing profitability, they say.

According to the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), there are around 1,150 such factories employing around 7 lakh workers, with a combined annual export value of about $6.5 billion.

Entrepreneurs say there are several conditions that must be met to obtain a bonded licence which are difficult for small-scale entrepreneurs to comply with

On 30 November, in a letter sent to the National Board of Revenue (NBR), the BGMEA stated, “Over a hundred factories have already shut down due to the inability to secure back-to-back LCs or procure raw materials and accessories from bonded companies. The remaining factories are also losing capacity and are on the verge of closure.”

According to NBR officials, the government has adopted a strict stance because transactions between bonded and non-bonded entities are difficult to track making it harder to detect irregularities.

However, BGMEA officials argue that it is unreasonable to punish thousands of entrepreneurs due to the actions of a few guilty parties.

“Among the over 1,100 non-bonded factories, perhaps 20 are guilty. They should be identified and punished, but the rest, especially small exporters, must be supported,” Anwar Hossain, administrator of the BGMEA, told TBS.

Sources say the BGMEA held a meeting last week with the NBR chairman to seek a solution.

A senior NBR official present at the meeting told TBS, on condition of anonymity, that the NBR is positive about resolving the issue.

Moazzem Hossain, an NBR member, said, “We are exploring ways to facilitate trade while stopping misuse. We are hopeful for a positive resolution.”

How bonded warehouse works

The government has been providing back-to-back LC and bonded warehouse facilities to support the country’s garment exporters. Through back-to-back LCs, manufacturers can purchase raw materials and accessories on credit, which are paid for once the export earnings come into the country.

Under the bonded warehouse facility, no duties or taxes are levied on raw materials for export – the only conditions are the raw materials must be stored in a designated warehouse and the entire product must be exported.

Exporters without a bonded licence do not have access to these facilities.

There are nearly 3,500 garment factories in the country, employing about 40 lakh workers. The garment sector contributes to nearly 85% of the country’s total exports.

Trouble of small factories

Apparel Bangla Sourcing Limited, a small non-bonded factory in Pubail, Gazipur, began production in 2009. While it operated normally until 2019, some banks have since refused to provide it with back-to-back LCs.

It also became increasingly difficult to source raw materials from local bonded companies and the company consequently started losing orders.

In 2019, the factory employed 117 workers, but it now struggles with just 50 workers, said company officials.

“Even when we secure an LC for $50,000, we can’t get a back-to-back LC for $25,000. And even if an LC is opened, bonded companies aren’t supplying raw materials or accessories to us,” Shariful Alam Chowdhury, managing director of the garment factory, told TBS.

He said this means the opportunity to purchase raw materials on credit is no longer available and entrepreneurs like him are forced to buy in cash, incurring additional costs.

“Now, I am trying to survive by securing small orders worth $14,000 to $15,000. As a result, the workload is decreasing daily, and the number of workers is also shrinking,” he added.

How, then, are these entrepreneurs procuring raw materials for small orders? In response, Shariful said, “With cash. Since I’ve been in business for a long time, some familiar sources sell me yarn. But I have to pay a higher price for it.

“If the market price of yarn is $2.20 per pound, I am forced to buy it for $2.40. On top of that, there are extra costs for accessories and banking.”

He said, “Due to not having a bonded licence, we incur extra costs everywhere. We have to pay additional fees to customs for approval of export-related documents – although I am a legitimate exporter with no irregularities.”

He further explained, “I can’t even exit the business because I have a bank loan. I have to pay monthly instalments of Tk950,000.”

RL Apparels Limited, located in North Badda of the capital, is facing the same trouble. This factory, with 100 workers, exports goods worth nearly $1 million annually.

Its managing director Md Rokonozzaman told TBS, “I can source raw materials from some local establishments by paying cash.”

Explaining why bonded companies cannot provide raw materials or accessories to non-bonded companies, he said, “They are not permitted to sell to us. Bonded factories can’t settle the accounts with customs authorities at the end of the year. That’s why they don’t want to sell to us.”

He added, “If this continues, small factories like ours will eventually shut down.”

He mentioned that this issue is most severe for non-bonded sweater factories.

Why exporters not interested in obtaining bonded licence

Entrepreneurs say there are several conditions that must be met to obtain a bonded licence which are difficult for small-scale entrepreneurs to comply with.

“Specific warehouse size, wide roads in the vicinity, a paid-up capital of Tk1 crore, and other conditions are required. Even if these conditions are met, one has to wait for months, or even years, after applying for a licence,” said Rokonozzaman.

Beyond these requirements, entrepreneurs face a major concern – bribery. Business owners have alleged that they have to bribe customs officials at various stages, such as when obtaining the licence, during year-end audits, and while obtaining utility permits.

Shariful Alam Chowdhury said, “About a year ago, I decided to apply for the [bonded warehouse] licence. Later, I was told that the process could be expedited through a third party. Then I learned that getting the licence would require a bribe of Tk30 lakh, which would be paid at various stages and to different officials.

“If the bribe is paid, whether the conditions of the licence are met becomes less of a concern.”

Reasons for strict regulations

According to NBR officials, it is easier to monitor companies under the bonded licence system as they are under NBR’s supervision. Even so, there are allegations of irregularities within these companies.

“When bonded companies sell to non-bonded entities, tracking those transactions becomes difficult,” a senior customs official at the NBR, speaking on condition of anonymity, told TBS.

“Due to irregularities, the government faces revenue loss. Besides, local manufacturing companies producing the same products face uneven competition,” he added.

Mohammad Hatem, president of the Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA), told TBS, “Cutting off the head to cure a headache is not the solution. Action should be taken against those who commit irregularities, but this should not obstruct the export opportunities of legitimate exporters.”

RMG exports reach $38.48b in 2024, with strong growth in non-traditional markets

Bangladesh’s ready-made garment (RMG) exports hit an impressive $38.48 billion in 2024, showcasing the sector’s ongoing success.

The European Union remained the largest market, accounting for 50.34% of total RMG exports, valued at $19.37 billion.

The United States followed with $7.2 billion (18.72%), while the United Kingdom contributed $4.3 billion (11.25%), Mohiuddin Rubel, former director of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA), shared the data.

Germany, Spain, and France were key markets within the EU, importing $4.83 billion, $3.42 billion, and $2.14 billion worth of RMG products, respectively. Canada also played a notable role, with exports totalling $1.24 billion and a 3.23% market share.

Beyond traditional markets, Bangladesh is making notable strides in non-traditional regions.

Exports to countries like Japan, Australia, India, Turkey, and Russia amounted to $6.33 billion, or 16.46% of total RMG exports. Japan was the top destination among these markets, with $1.12 billion in exports, followed by Australia at $831 million, India at $606 million, Turkey at $426 million, and Russia at $343 million.

This expansion into non-traditional markets is helping to diversify Bangladesh’s export base and strengthen the resilience of its RMG industry on the global stage.

RMG exports grew moderately in 2024 despite headwinds

In spite of turbulent times prevailing both at home and abroad, garment exports from Bangladesh grew in 2024 by 7.23 percent year-on-year to $38.48 billion, according to the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB).

This is due to an increasing demand for clothing with the fall of inflation in major export destinations.

Last year, the local garment sector witnessed demonstrations, national election-related movements, factory closures and production halts amid massive labour unrest after the fall of the Sheikh Hasina-led administration on August 5.

Goods shipment was severely affected in July, August, September and October due to a student-led mass movement culminating in Awami League’s ouster and widespread labour unrest demanding wage hikes and an end to workplace discrimination.

On the international front, high inflation has persisted over the past few years because of far-reaching implications of the Russia-Ukraine war that began just after the pandemic, affecting consumer demand.

But Western economies have been rebounding gradually with rising demand, for which retail sales have also been growing with the clearance of inventories of previous years in Europe and the US.

Exports from the sector grew although many had thought that shipments would be negatively affected by domestic and external challenges.

For instance, garment exports in fact declined by 6.62 percent year-over-year to $2.38 billion in April, which came as a surprise given that the export trend was enjoying positive momentum.

Similarly, garment shipments declined last June by 10.48 percent year-on-year to $2.97 billion after increasing by 1.45 percent in January and 4 percent in March.

In July, apparel exports grew by only 2.89 percent year-on-year to $3.17 billion, as per the EPB data.

However, the exports rebounded strongly from September, growing by 14.61 percent to $3.01 billion that month and by 22.80 percent to $3.29 billion in October.

The trend did not stop there as the garment shipments grew by 16.25 percent to $3.30 billion in November before expanding again by 17.45 percent to $3.77 billion in December.

Exports started rebounding from September as normalcy gradually returned to the industrial zones after the labour unrest ended with factory owners accepting the 18-point demands of garment workers.

Moderate retail sales growth continued in November even as two of the holiday season’s busiest shopping days bumped over into December and were not included in the month’s totals, according to National Retail Federation (NRF), the largest US retail association.

“November sales increased on top of a strong October and would have been even higher if Thanksgiving Sunday and Cyber Monday hadn’t fallen in December,” NRF President and CEO Matthew Shay said in a statement.

“Year-over-year gains were solid even as retail prices in many categories are lower this year, showing that consumers are buying more merchandise as the economy continues to grow. We remain confident in our holiday forecast,” Shay said.

Total retail sales, excluding automobiles and gasoline, were up 0.15 percent seasonally adjusted month-over-month and up 2.35 percent unadjusted year-over-year in November, according to the Retail Monitor.

That compared with increases of 0.74 percent month-over-month and 4.13 percent year-over-year in October.

In 2023, the garment export sector aimed for $50 billion in 2024 but adjusted expectations to $38.48 billion, marking a 7.23 percent increase from 2023.

The industry confronted challenges like wage protests leading to a 56 percent wage hike, said Mohiuddin Rubel, a former director of the Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) and additional managing director of Denim Expert.

Even after uncertainties from the national election, there was a 1.45 percent year-on-year growth in garment exports in January, he said.

A 60 percent cut in export incentives, compounded by global economic instability and volatile oil prices, affected consumer behaviour, he said.

Rising energy and transportation costs, along with high bank interest rates, hurt small and medium enterprises, causing closures, he added.

Despite a slight increase in exports in July and August compared to the same months of 2023, the figures for 2024 lagged behind those of 2022.

Rubel also said the outlook for 2025 depends on improved industrial relations and political reforms.

Former BGMEA president Faruque Hassan said garment exports would have been much higher had the challenges not been there. However, he expects 2025 will be a better year as normalcy is returning to the sector.

Exports grew not only in volume, but also value as international retailers’ and brands’ confidence in Bangladesh has been boosted, and the local currency was devalued, he added.

Textile millers want credit extension for importing raw materials

Bangladesh’s textile millers have asked the Bangladesh Bank to extend the credit period to help ease the financial burden of importing raw materials and support their import-export trade.

The textile millers sent a letter regarding this to Ahsan H Mansur, governor of Bangladesh Bank, on Monday.

Brig Gen (retd) Zakir Hossain, general secretary of the Bangladesh Textile Mills Association (BTMA), signed the letter.

A central bank circular dated June 30, 2024, extended the credit period for importing industrial raw materials until December 31, 2024.

The bank representatives and the BTMA delegation held a detailed meeting on December 17, where they discussed the problems, challenges, and potential solutions, including the proposal to extend the crediting period for importing industrial raw materials once more.

Following the discussion, the BTMA also sent a detailed report identifying the existing problems and challenges of the export-oriented textile sector, along with potential recommendations for resolution and prioritization.

The letter explained that mills are unable to operate at full capacity because of several reasons.

That includes the Ukraine-Russia and Israel-Palestine wars, the global economic recession, significant depreciation of the taka against foreign currencies, a 250% increase in gas prices, a 70% increase in workers’ wages, recent political unrest in the country, workers’ unrest, and a lack of necessary gas and electricity supply, mills are unable to use their full production capacity.

Moreover, the export-oriented textile industry, including the manufacturing industries, has faced huge losses due to the exchange rate when importing raw materials.

The export-oriented textile industry has been facing several problems since the deadline for the extended crediting period has passed, the letter added.

Considering the overall aspect, it has become necessary to increase the credit period for the import of industrial raw materials urgently to facilitate the import-export trade.

The textile millers urged the central bank to take necessary measures to extend the credit period for importing industrial raw materials for the textile mills belonging to BTMA per the circular of June 30, 2024.

The BTMA, in a separate letter, also urged the central bank to take necessary steps to pay the outstanding amount of “Accepted/Matured” bills against the value of yarn and fabric supplied worth approximately $44.31 against 961 LCs of 66 BTMA member mills against back-to-back LCs by the LC opening banks.

The letter said that many of the concerned BTMA member mills are facing a liquidity crisis due to such a large number of unpaid bills.

Moreover, this issue was also discussed in detail in the meeting held by the Bangladesh Bank governor with the BTMA delegation on December 17, where he assured that steps would be taken to pay the outstanding bills as soon as possible.

The investment in this sector is about $22 billion, which is the highest single investment in the private sector. The textile and apparel sector earns about 84% of the country’s export earnings, with the country’s textile millers supplying 70% of the raw materials and gaining about 30% of foreign exchange through it.

RMG imbroglio

It was no coincidence that the simmering discontent of garment workers burst into full blown labour unrest to synchronise with the July-August mass uprising. Workers who could not press home their demands earlier under a repressive regime known for patronising crony capitalism considered it was their best chance to align their protests with the anti-discrimination mass movement spearheaded by students. The country was in turmoil and labour unrest continued to deteriorate with both management and workers refusing to see to the greater interest of the RMG industry. Notably, of the more than 4,500 apparel factories, there are 229 LEED-certified green garment factories—highest in the world. These and some other factories boast sound labour-management relations because the authorities there have been considerate enough to pay higher wages and provide various facilities deemed fit to keep workers contended. Unfortunately, the owners of the rest of the garment factories are not equally smart in running their factories.

An incisive government report prepared to identify where things have gone wrong and suggest how the malaise can be addressed does the job more or less comprehensively. The lead story prepared on the basis of the report titled, ‘special report on labour unrest in garment sector’ and published in The FE’s Sunday issue presents quite a disconcerting picture. As if the 1108 incidents of labour unrest that took place between August and December were not enough, there is apprehension of more to come. Of the several reasons that have soured management-workers relations, unpaid wages, retrenchment and refusal to regularise jobs stand out. On the part of management, presumably the smaller and not so well run, the problems stem from shortage of raw materials and work orders. In a competitive market, the smaller units are always at a disadvantage. When industries are restive, their disadvantages compound with dollar crisis leading to limited import of raw materials.

Yet good management tries not to accumulate arrears of wages. As many as 67 factories were closed sine die and 77 temporarily during the period, according to the report. The fact is unrest in the RMG belts never got defused —even notwithstanding the higher wage agreed upon. Many of the factories did not comply with the payment of outstanding dues to their workers within the stipulated time. Then the termination of thousands of workers’ jobs from the closed factories owned by some disgraced industrialists of the past regime has not helped the matter. Its socio-economic implications, as hinted at the report, may be dangerous. At a time when industries in general are facing difficulty, such closures have to be avoided at any cost. Getting the mechanism right to run those would be wiser.

The report has indicated instigation by some labour leaders as one of the factors responsible for the unrest. Well, if workers do not get their overdue arrears and wages regularly on a fixed date, they cannot help taking to the street. In this time of outrageous market volatility, even their regular wages hardly prove more than a pittance. If the industry falters, the sign of which is there, both management and workers will suffer. The country’s economy will be affected as well because RMG is the number one foreign exchange earner. Before it makes its downhill slippery journey when rivals like Vietnam and India are gaining grounds, let every stakeholder cooperate to realise the high potential of the garment industry.

Tirupur’s export growth takes off: Can it maintain the pace?

Tirupur, the crown jewel of India’s apparel manufacturing, is bouncing back after a tough FY ’24. The textile hub faced an 11 per cent dip in exports, driven by a 10-month slump from April to January. The exports fell by 11 per cent to Rs. 30,690 crore (US $ 3.62 billion) from Rs. 34,350 crore ((US $ 4.05 billion) in FY ’23 due to external factors such as the Ukraine war, economic troubles in Europe and the US and trade disruptions. However, FY ’25 has brought in strong recovery.

Accounting for 55 per cent of India’s knitwear exports, Tirupur posted 13 per cent growth in the first five months of FY ’25 as exports grew to Rs. 14,679 crore (US $ 1.73 billion), up from Rs. 12,995 crore (US $ 1.53 billion) during the same time last year, with August alone recording a 22 per cent rise to Rs. 3,114 crore (US $ 367 million)—the highest in over two years. The exports are projected to reach Rs. 40,000 crore (US $ 4.72 billion) in FY ’25.

The region’s 5000 MSMEs including 15 vertically integrated companies are operating at 95 per cent capacity, compared to just 60 per cent – 65 per cent a few months ago. Trade bodies credited an uptick in orders from the US and the UK as well as political unrest in Bangladesh for the recent growth in exports. Beyond exports, Tirupur also serves as the domestic market which generates Rs. 25,000 crore (US $ 3.1 billion) in revenue. To keep up the momentum and offset price pressure from buyers, local entrepreneurs are exploring new markets, diversifying product offerings, increasing their focus on man-made fibres and sustainability.

Tapping into the US Market
Talking about the growing importance of the US market, Logu, MD, AKR Industries, with an annual production capacity of 2.5 million kidswear garments, mentioned, “We used to have our products in almost all stores across the EU. Now, I’m very optimistic about the opportunities in the US as this market offers large orders. Developments like the China-plus-one policy and similar trends are expected to benefit us.”

Tirupur’s export growth takes off: Can it maintain the pace?
Logu, MD, AKR Industries
The company whose clients includes Tommy Hilfiger, H&M, Timberland, Lee Cooper and Landmark Group, is shifting from offering value products to focusing on high-volume products. Logu sees this as a positive move since larger orders come with the volume segment. Although the profit margin is lower in volume business, it will be partly offset by improved production efficiency as volume increases.

Tirupur’s export growth takes off: Can it maintain the pace?
P. Moghan, MD, Anugraha Fashion Mill
Similarly, P. Moghan, MD, Anugraha Fashion Mill, a vertically integrated garment manufacturer with an annual turnover of Rs. 400 crore (US $ 50 million) and a capacity of 100,000 pieces in a day, has also cast an eye on the US market. “US market can be an additional market area to focus on in near future,” he said and informed that the company is enhancing its production capacity by 30 per cent in Tamil Nadu.

Best Corporation, a leading textile company with an annual turnover of Rs. 1600 crore (US $ 200 million), was one of the first in Tirupur to recognise the potential of the US market, which now accounts for 60 per cent of its revenue.

“Europe is a fragmented market with smaller order sizes compared to the US. Right now, the focus is on expanding capacity to meet the opportunities available with our existing clients and markets,” said Rajkumar Ramasamy, MD, Best Corporation. He also noted that other markets are smaller and more mature, offering limited growth potential for companies like theirs.

Tirupur’s export growth takes off: Can it maintain the pace?
KM Subramanian, President, Tirupur Exporters Association (TEA)
The players are also negotiating strongly for a better price. “Earlier, we committed to a low price and the priority was to run the factories. Now almost all the exporters are negotiating with buyers and prioritising to work with good brands. The good thing is that more and more buyers are willing to pay higher prices than before and they are also increasing their orders,” emphasised KM Subramanian, President, Tirupur Exporters Association (TEA), a group of more than 1300 knitwear exporters and allied companies. Subramanian is also the Founder of KM Knitwear, a vertically integrated garment manufacturer. He also underlined that the cluster is putting more effort into getting business from the US, as Europe is now almost the same size in market for Tirupur. Earlier, Europe had a larger share, around 40 per cent, while the US had about 30 per cent. Now, big US companies like Costco, which didn’t give much attention to Tirupur before, are increasing their orders from here.

Though Subramanian clarified that US-based clients still prefer to work with only a few selected companies. However, as their focus on Tirupur grows, there will be more opportunities for other exporters to receive orders as well.

We used to have our products in almost all stores across the EU. Now, I’m very optimistic about the opportunities in the US as this market offers large orders. Developments like the China-plus-one policy and similar trends are expected to benefit us. – Logu, MD, AKR Industries
MMF takes the spotlight
The global move towards MMF (man-made fibres) is clear, as 50 per cent of US $ 953 billion in apparel exports worldwide were made from MMF in 2022, 37 per cent were made from cotton and the rest came from other fibres.

In line with this trend, representatives from the TEA recently visited Surat. The purpose of the visit was to find ways to combine Surat’s expertise in MMF production with Tirupur’s strong garment manufacturing capabilities. The group is also sharing ideas about MMF with experts from countries like Taiwan and Korea.

Tirupur’s export growth takes off: Can it maintain the pace?
Rajkumar Ramasamy, MD, Best Corporation
Taking the next step in the MMF segment, Best Corporation is setting up a synthetic fabric facility that is expected to start in the next few months. The plant, with an initial capacity of around 10 tonnes per day, will outsource yarn and develop fabric with circular and warp knitting machines. “We will focus on producing different types of manmade fabric here”, said Rajkumar Ramasamy, who is seeking professional help from Taiwan for this plant.

This thrust is also seen by companies that usually focus on cotton, like Anugraha Fashion Mill.

Tirupur’s export growth takes off: Can it maintain the pace?
Raja M Shanmugam, MD, Warsaw International
“After Covid, exporters stepped out of their comfort zone and sped up product diversification. Fluctuations in cotton prices also pushed them to focus more on MMF,” said Raja M Shanmugam, MD, Warsaw International and past President, TEA. The company, with a focus on men’s apparel, works exclusively with a German premium casual brand and sells each garment for € 20.

TEA is closely working with its members to help them transition to MMF-based garments. The goal is for MMF garment exports to make up 30 per cent of total exports by 2030. Leading domestic brands like Technosport are guiding exporters in this shift. “Motivated by opportunities in MMF, my factory has started a separate dyeing division for 100 per cent polyester,” said KM Subramanian.

Earlier, we committed to a low price and the priority was to run the factories. Now almost all the exporters are negotiating with buyers and prioritising to work with good brands. The good thing is that more and more buyers are willing to pay higher prices than before and they are also increasing their orders. – KM Subramanian, President, TEA
Tirupur’s push for sustainability
Tirupur is often touted as India’s most sustainable apparel manufacturing hub. Thanks to the collective efforts of the apparel manufacturers, state and central government along with civil society, the cluster has established itself as a water treatment capital.

One of its key initiatives is the Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system, which recycles 120 million litres of water every day. The area has also invested heavily in renewable energy, using wind and solar power, which provides five times more energy than it needs.

For instance, AKR Industries is using 100 per cent recycled polyester and recycled cotton in a major way. Similarly, Anugraha Fashion Mill, which has a LEED-certified (Gold) facility, is also focusing on making its production process more sustainable. The company has achieved the Certification of Sustainable Textile Production (STeP) and is eligible for Made in Green (MIG). Anugraha has also decided that all its new facilities will be green-certified. The company generates 60 per cent of its energy through its own power and claims its thrust on sustainability is not due to buyers’ pressure.

Tirupur’s export growth takes off: Can it maintain the pace?
Milton Ambrose John, MD, Cotton Blossom
However, Milton Ambrose John, MD, Cotton Blossom, another vertically integrated manufacturer underlined, “If the costs and requirements for certifications are reduced, more companies, especially smaller ones, will be able to focus on sustainability and work towards it.” The company has a capacity to produce 30 million garments per year and is certified with The Cradle to Cradle (C2C) Gold Level Certification.

KM Subramanian mentioned, “We are in discussion with the Government to establish a separate HSN code for truly sustainable garments.” TEA has even formed a dedicated committee for sustainability, working to raise awareness and support the cluster’s apparel manufacturers. KM Subramanian further added that KM Knitwear aims to become 90 per cent carbon-neutral and to become carbon zero by 2027.

Manufacturers explore new markets
Experts are also optimistic about the future. For example, AKR Industries expects to make around US $ 65 to US $ 70 million in turnover this year and believes it will reach over US $ 100 million in the next financial year. The company is looking for partnerships with Korean firms that have strong connections with American buyers and good control over design. Its in-house team of software engineers are working on their own ERP system, with plans to offer it to other apparel manufacturers in the future.

Tirupur-based companies are also exploring other parts of India to expand their manufacturing operations, attracted by various states offering generous subsidies. The availability of local labour in emerging hubs is another key factor, as Tirupur heavily relies on migratory workers and frequently faces labour shortages. Recently Madhya Pradesh’s CM Mohan Yadav also visited Tirupur and had a meeting with apparel exporters.

Tirupur’s export growth takes off: Can it maintain the pace?

Best Corporation, which already has a manufacturing unit in Kenya, plans to transform the company’s RMG unit in Madhya Pradesh into a vertically integrated unit mainly because of subsidies on capital, interest and employment offered by the state. The company has also developed its own ERP system and is now using it commercially. “Our goal is to provide the best quality and service to our clients while staying cost-competitive. To do this, we keep looking for new manufacturing locations, both in India and internationally,” said Rajkumar.

Warsaw International has also started making wool-based garments, something uncommon in Tirupur. It is currently importing wool from China but is also exploring sourcing options from other regions, including India.

KM Subramanian mentioned that business from the UAE and other regions is also growing. Orders from Australia have increased significantly, with companies like Woolworths, Target and Big W now placing orders in Tirupur, instead of Bangladesh. Similarly, buyers from Tesco, Next, Decathlon, Mothercare and C&A are also increasing their orders from Tirupur. Buyers and brands have now slowly started their compliance audit through third party agency which shows their interest in placing more orders in future.

The cluster is also trying to crack the Japanese market.

২০২৪-এর নভেম্বরে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে পোশাক রপ্তানি বেড়েছে ৪১.৬ শতাংশ

২০২৪ সালের নভেম্বরে বাংলাদেশ থেকে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে পোশাক রপ্তানিতে আগের বছরের একই সময়ের চেয়ে ৪১.৬ শতাংশ প্রবৃদ্ধি হয়েছে। ওই মাসে দেশটিতে ৬১৩.৯১ মিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার মূল্যের পোশাক রপ্তানি করেছে বাংলাদেশ। আগের বছরের একই সময়ে যা ছিল ৪৩৩.৫৬ মিলিয়ন ডলার।

গত বছরের নভেম্বরে পোশাক রপ্তানি প্রবৃদ্ধি ছিল বছরের অন্য যেকোনো মাসের চেয়ে বেশি।

২০২৪ সালে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে মোট পোশাক রপ্তানিতে প্রবৃদ্ধির পরও ২০২৩ সালের বেশিরভাগ মাসের তুলনায়ই তা কম ছিল।

ইউএস ডিপার্টমেন্ট অব কমার্সের আওতাধীন অফিস অব টেক্সটাইল অ্যান্ড অ্যাপারেলের (অটেক্সা) তথ্য অনুযায়ী, গত বছরের শুরুতেই রপ্তানিতে ধাক্কা খায় বাংলাদেশের পোশাক খাত। ওই বছরের জানুয়ারিতে রপ্তানি প্রবৃদ্ধি কমে ৩৬.৭ শতাংশ। এর পর মার্চে প্রবৃদ্ধি কমে আরও ১৪.২ শতাংশ।

২০২৪ সালের এপ্রিল থেকে আগস্ট পর্যন্ত সময়ে রপ্তানি প্রবৃদ্ধির ব্যবধান ছিল সামান্য, ০.২ শতাংশ থেকে ৬.৮ শতাংশ।

তথ্য অনুযায়ী, বছরের শেষ প্রান্তিকে রপ্তানি প্রবৃদ্ধিতে গতি ফেরে। সেপ্টেম্বরে রপ্তানি প্রবৃদ্ধি ছিল ১৮.৪ শতাংশ ও অক্টোবরে ছিল ২৬.৭ শতাংশ।

তবে নভেম্বরে রেকর্ড পরিমাণ প্রবৃদ্ধির পরও ২০২৪ সালের জানুয়ারি থেকে নভেম্বর পর্যন্ত যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে পোশাক রপ্তানি ২০২৩ সালের একই সময়ের তুলনায় ০.৪৪ শতাংশ কম ছিল। যেখানে ২০২৩ সালের জানুয়ারি থেকে নভেম্বর পর্যন্ত রপ্তানি আয়ের পরিমাণ ছিল ৬.৭৯ বিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার, সেখানে গত বছরের একই সময়ে এটি ছিল ৬.৭৬ বিলিয়ন মার্কিন ডলার।

তৈরি পোশাকশিল্পের মালিকদের সংগঠন বিজিএমইএর পরিচালক মহিউদ্দিন রুবেল বলেন, ২০২৪ সালের সেপ্টেম্বর থেকে নভেম্বর পর্যন্ত বাংলাদেশ থেকে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের আমদানিতে উল্লেখজনক বৃদ্ধি দেখেছি। তবে এ বিষয়টিও গুরুত্ব দিয়ে বিবেচনা করা উচিত যে ২০২৩ সালের নভেম্বরে আমদানির পরিমাণ অস্বাভাবিকভাবে কম ছিল।

ডেনিম এক্সপার্ট লিমিটেডের অতিরিক্ত এ ব্যবস্থাপনা পরিচালক আরও বলেন, সম্প্রতি রপ্তানি প্রবৃদ্ধি সত্ত্বেও সামগ্রিক প্রবৃদ্ধির দিক থেকে বাংলাদেশ অন্যান্য শীর্ষ উৎস দেশগুলোর চেয়ে এখনও পিছিয়ে রয়েছে।

আঞ্চলিক প্রতিযোগী দেশগুলোর চিত্র

অন্যদিকে একই সময়ে বাংলাদেশের অন্যতম প্রধান প্রতিদ্বন্দ্বী ভারতের পোশাক খাতের রপ্তানি প্রবৃদ্ধি ছিল ৪.৪৯ শতাংশ। একইসঙ্গে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে ভারতের পোশাক রপ্তানি ১৩.২৬ শতাংশ বেড়েছে। ভারত স্থানীয় কাঁচামাল ব্যবহার করে প্রতিযোগিতামূলক মূল্যে আরও বেশি পোশাক রপ্তানি করতে পেরেছে।

অটেক্সার তথ্য অনুযায়ী, ২০২৪ সালের প্রথম ১১ মাসে বাংলাদেশ ২.১৭ বিলিয়ন বর্গমিটার সমপরিমাণ পোশাক যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে রপ্তানি করেছে। সে হিসাবে আগের বছরের ‍তুলনায় এটি ৩.৯৮ শতাংশ বেশি।

অন্যদিকে একই সময়ে ভারত রপ্তানি করেছে ১.২৭ বিলিয়ন বর্গমিটার সমপরিমাণ পোশাক, যার মূল্য ৪.৩৬ বিলিয়ন ডলার। আগের বছরের একই সময়ে এটি ছিল ১.১২ বিলিয়ন বর্গমিটার, যার মূল্য ছিল ৪.১৮ বিলিয়ন ডলার।

ভিয়েতনাম থেকেও যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে পোশাক রপ্তানি ৪.৪৮ শতাংশ বেড়েছে। গত বছরের জানুয়ারি থেকে নভেম্বরে দেশটি পোশাক রপ্তানি থেকে ১৩.৭৭ বিলিয়ন ডলার আয় করেছে। এর আগের বছরের একই সময়ে যা ছিল ১৩.১৮ বিলিয়ন ডলার। দেশটির রপ্তানির পরিমাণ ৯.০২ শতাংশ বেড়েছে।

তবে গত বছরের জানুয়ারি থেকে নভেম্বর পর্যন্ত সময়ে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রে চীনের পোশাক রপ্তানি থেকে আয় ০.৩০ শতাংশ কমেছে।

সার্বিকভাবে গত বছরের প্রথম ১১ মাসে যুক্তরাষ্ট্রের পোশাক আমদানির পরিমাণ ছিল ৭২.৯৪ বিলিয়ন ডলার। আগের বছরের একই সময়ের তুলনায় যা ০.৬৩ শতাংশ বেশি।